Introduction to Watercolour Painting (4wk)

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Explore watercolour techniques and materials in this beginners course! Learn about the fundamental watercolour techniques as well as various experimental techniques.

Introduction to Watercolour Painting (4wk) With Heather Phillips

Tuesdays January 7-28, 2024 12:30-3:30pm

Explore the world of watercolour with our 4-week introductory course. Perfect for beginners with basic drawing skills, this course combines the fundamentals of watercolour techniques with hands-on experimentation. Learn to manage this challenging medium through understanding its flow and transparency properties, and discover key techniques so you can shade and model simple objects for vibrant results.

*This class requires 4 participants to run.

Materials are not included, but ARTiculations student are offered a one time 20% off coupon that can be used towards your materials list! See Materials List Below


Holbein Artist Quality Watercolour Paints
- Phthalo Blue Red Shade
- Ultramarine Deep
- Cadmium Yellow Light
- Permanent Alizarin Crimson
- Cadmium Red Light
- Permanent Violet 

Brushes:  the synthetic ones work very well and are great for starting out
- ¼ inch flat HJ White Taklon Series 950 Bright Wash Brush
- A wider flat brush such as ¾ inch or 1 inch, also available in same make
- A fine point brush, size 1, 2, or 3, available in HJ SERIES 970 White Taklon® Brush - Round (Short Handle)

A Palette with wells for colour mixing.

-  or

Watercolour Paper
Any brand 140 lb. with a medium texture (Cold Press).  
A Watercolour Pad is good for the workshop exercises, suggested size 8” X 10”.

N.B.  Paper described as Hot Press is too smooth for this workshop.
 Apart from this stipulation, people who already have watercolour supplies are encouraged to bring them along – whatever the colours or brush sizes, we can work with what you have.

Everyone should bring:
A graphite pencil – hard lead, such as 2H, is best

A soft kneadable eraser

A small sponge for cleaning palette after class

1 Felt Tip Fineliner - Such as a Faber Castell Pitt Pen or Micron


All ARTiculations workshops require advance registration, unless otherwise noted. In the event of insufficient enrolment, registrants will be notified prior to the workshop start date and a full refund will be given. No refunds/credits will be provided for withdrawal fewer than five business days prior to the start of class. ARTiculations does not provide make-up classes or substitutions. This policy is subject to change without notice.

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