Egg Tempera Workshop | Saturday Oct 19, 10-4pm

Not Available
During this workshop, students will explore egg tempera. The uses of egg tempera during history, including its revival in the 20th century, will be discussed. Students will make egg tempera from scratch, and will test out various painting techniques.

Egg Tempera Workshop | Saturday October 19, 10-4pm with Emily Joyce

During this experimental 1 day workshop, students will explore the traditional materials and methods of making egg tempera paint. The historical origins of paint-making will be discussed, exploring the uses of egg tempera during ancient times, the Renaissance, and its revival in the 20th century. Students will learn how to prepare and make egg tempera from scratch, and spend time trying out different techniques to get a sense of the natural paint’s working properties.

Materials that Students will Bring
Two (2) pre-gessoed wood panels or artist boards (preferably with a smooth priming) between 8”x10” and 11”x14”
Brushes of various sizes, a palette

Materials available at ARTiculations All registered students will receive a one time 20% discount on their purchase.

Materials Included that ARTiculations will provide

Eggs, pigments, gloves, containers and other paint-making materials needed for the class.

Artist Instructor: Emily Joyce

All ARTiculations workshops require advance registration, unless otherwise noted. In the event of insufficient enrolment, registrants will be notified prior to the workshop start date and a full refund will be given. No refunds/credits will be provided for withdrawal fewer than one week prior to the start of class. ARTiculations does not provide make-up classes or substitutions. This policy is subject to change without notice.

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